
ラベル(what episode does artemis appear in sailor moon)が付いた投稿を表示しています

コンプリート! Sailor Moon Luna Artemis Y Diana Humanos 280429-Do Luna And Artemis Get Together

Diana is an adorable and pretty talking grey kitten with a crescent moon on her forehead She is Rini's companion, and the daughter of Luna and Artemis from the future She appears in Sailor Moon R and Sailor Moon Super S Diana's first appeared in Sailor Moon R when the Pretty Guardians travel to the future Diana's appeared in Super S, her first being in Episode 6, MuchSiguenos en nuestra SailorAlso never mentioned in the anime is that Diana, along with her parents, Artemis and Luna, can take human forms due to Sailor Moon's power In her human form, Diana's hair and most of her body resemble Chibi Chibi 's Gallery Trivia Sailor Senshi Manga Anime Sera Myu PGSM Crystal Categories Languages Pink Narwhal Sailor Moon Artemis Diana And Luna They Are So Do luna and artemis get together